First Step provides real world financial education to every student. We customize a CD-Rom presentation for Universities wanting a unique and cost efficient way to teach students important financial skills needed during and after college. Preventing one student from dropping out of college because of irresponsible spending will increase your retention rate and save your University money.
Student Factoid - One out of four college students has $3,000 of credit card debt for non-school related items. 10% owe more than $7,000.
- Source: Nellie Mae Student Loan Applications
Student Testimonials
I liked how I was entertained and still learned something. Jessica Battles age: 19 Freshman, San Francisco State
It sure makes me realize I need to get started now. Rob May age: 23 Senior, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
Its free, Thanks. Carla Gomez age: 21 Junior, San Francisco State
If your University wants to join us to promote financial literacy please email us at university@firststepup.com or visit our contact form and a First Step representative will get back to you shortly.